Module 1: Get started with Power Automate for desktop
Get started with Power Automate for desktop by learning about flows, creating automated steps, and flow development essentials.
Module 2: Work with Power Automate for desktop
Work with Power Automate for desktop options, flows, recording features, conditions, loops, variables, images, and error and exception handling.
Module 3: Work with different technologies in Power Automate for desktop
Learn how to automate email handling, Excel, user interface, and system services with Power Automate for desktop.
Module 4: Implement advanced logic in Power Automate for desktop
Learn how to work with system flows, control flows, mimic mouse actions, as well as operations used to manipulate text, date, and time in Power Automate for desktop.
Module 5: Build expertise with Power Automate for desktop
Learn how to use Power Automate for desktop to work with Power Automate, OCR technologies, and scripting.