Describe the basic features of AX 2012 R3 CU8.
Review basic form navigation.
Review the architecture of AX 2012 R3 CU8.
Describe the options for making development changes.
Describe the theory of Model Driven Architecture.
Review licensing and configuration.
Explain the MorphX development environment.
Explain the Application Object Tree.
Design tables using MorphX.
Describe the different data types within AX.
Create a new table.
Learn how to create and modify indexes using MorphX.
Describe relations on Microsoft Dynamics AX tables.
Learn how to create and modify Enumerated data types.
Learn how to create and modify views.
Design and build Forms in Microsoft Dynamics AX.
Join two data sources on a form.
Create customized menus and menu items.
Create a form using form templates.
Know the components of a list page.
Create a new FactBox.
Describe the elements of Role Based Security in AX.
Setup a new user.
Assign roles to a user.
Assign a security role to a user.
Edit duties assigned to a role.
Edit privileges assigned to a duty.
Edit permissions assigned to a privilege.
Search for roles with access to a menu item.